segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015

#7 meaning behind the name

Happy Monday to you all! Hope you had a nice weekend and that you're fully ready to make this week a great one. Here, I'll stay with the Blog-tember Challenge, and today the prompt is...

Tell us about your blog name. Where did it come from?

Brave Love Blog

A year ago, I created a blog called Finding Mariana. It was meant to be a way for me to write about my experiences on my first year of college. However, that did not go so well. I didn't have any kind of vision for my blog, and ended up losing interest.

When my summer holidays started, I felt the urge to get back on the blogging train, but the plans I had on my mind weren't compatible with my previous blog, and that's why I created this one! However, for quite a few days, I struggled because I had no idea what name I should give it. Here are some of the topics I wanted to englobe in the name:
  • storytelling
  • wanderlust/anything related to travel
  • girl power

However, none of the names that popped on my mind were catchy or even interesting. I was kind of giving up by that time. I remember being on a bus with my notebook open and trying so hard to come up with a fun name, with no results.

The idea for A Hopeful Wanderer came one night, when I was at home, listening to the song Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons. And something clicked on my head. I changed "hopeless" to "hopeful", because I want this blog to be a happy place where people can find hope and where I can write about my many hopes for the future. The "wanderer" part particularly reflects the part of me that LOVES traveling and exploring the world, finding new places and stories, something that is a huge part of what I want this blog to be about. 

Somehow, I found this name absolutely perfect. I started working on a banner the minute after I came up with it. And, a whole summer later, here we are!

Here's the song that gave me the inspiration for my blog title!

lots of love,

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